What is Açaí?

Superfruit of the Amazon

Açaí is more than just a purple fruit. In fact, it's thought to be the most powerful superfood in the Amazon. Grown on the Açaí palm in the floodplains of the rainforest and wild harvested by hand, this nutritional powerhouse has long been a staple of indigenous diets. 


    Açaí is full of anthocyanins that tackle free radicals to help keep your defenses high. Just like blueberries, only tastier!


    Açaí supports heart health, brain function, and healthy skin and hair with a fatty acid ingredient similar to that of olive oil, walnuts, and fish!


    Açaí has low naturally occurring sugars which means less sugar spikes and more goodness.

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How to get the perfect acai bowl consistency?

Distinctively Exotic


Somewhere in between mixed berries, dark chocolate, and red wine -- that’s where you can find the distinctively exotic taste of Açaí. Who said healthy can’t taste exquisite?


From the beginning, SAMBAZON was about giving back to the community of farmers and protecting the biodiversity of the Amazon by providing this delicious, nutritious food to the world.

We created our own vertical supply chain of Certified Organic and Fair Trade Açaí, and we were able to do all of this by establishing a direct connection between our farmers and you along the way.

The Benefits of Certified Organic Açaí

Açaí may be hard to pronounce, but its many benefits make it easy to love this fruit. It is harvested by hand from the rainforest’s Açaí palm trees for centuries, this purple berry is thought to be the most powerful superfood in the Amazon. It has free radicals-fighting antioxidants and healthy omegas 3, 6, and 9, low in naturally occurring sugars—and loaded with flavor! Plus, we have the best Açaí in the world.


We believe in transparency. And we understand how important it is to know the food you and your family consume is of the highest quality, while also being ethically sourced, transported, and processed.

By creating our own supply chain, we can oversee every step of its journey, from the moment our fair trade food is hand-harvested and transported by riverboats, to its inspection (by hand) and environmentally responsible processing. It’s our guarantee to you: From the Açaí palm tree to the palm of your hand.

  • How Sambazon Harvests Acai


    Our Certified Organic and Fair Trade Açaí is hand harvested by local farmers that minimize our impact on the local eco-system.

  • Learn about Sambazon's Palm to Palm Promise


    Transported by riverboat down the Amazon, our berries are then checked for quality, color, consistency and aroma directly on our dock.

  • Learn about the Eco-Processing at Sambazon


    Our berries are processed at two of the most advanced, eco-friendly Açaí processing plants in the world.

  • Sambazon Acai is nutritous, delicious and sustainable.

    Serving You

    This is where you come in. Enjoy the delicious, nutritious, responsibly sourced berry, and get your purple smile!

The Journey of the Açaí Berry

The Açaí berry is thought to be the most powerful of over 200 fruits found in the Amazon.

Not only does it contain bountiful nutritional value, SAMBAZON also helps to protect the Amazon Rainforest and its rich biodiversity by working directly with family farmers who wild-harvest the Açaí from tall palm trees. Learn about the impact you make when you purchase Açaí from SAMBAZON here.